Introduction: It must be recognised that all rhino reserves have varying levels of existing security, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and equipment. This 'Needs Analysis' is not intended to prescribe nor replace any existing security structures or protocols; it is intended to provide supplementary support where needed or requested. The content and recommendations have been identified through a consultative process with representatives of State and Provincial Departments as well as through discussion and resolution at Private Rhino Owners Association (PROA) meetings both nationally and provincially.
The following Departments have been consulted in this process:
- The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA)
- SAPS HAWKS (Endangered Species Desk, Organised Crime)
- National Wildlife Crime Reaction Unit (NWCRU)
- National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)
- Recognised, credible NGO's
- and is further supported by the LeadSA Rhino Action Group effort (RAGe), a Primedia initiative.
It is important to note that the current security expenditure on rhino protection and preservation across National, Provincial and Private reserves runs into hundreds of millions of Rand annually, with the average large private rhino reserve spending between R100 000.00 and R200 000.00 or more per month on extra security for their rhino populations. There are a number of funded projects which are already being implemented, thus if this document does not refer to a particular security initiative i.e. tracker dogs, it is not that we do not support this project but simply at this time there is adequate funding in place. Thus what appears below are identified projects that still require financial support and or implementation.
Objective: - Improved Rhino Reserve security standards, through the provision of training, risk assessment, equipment needs, cooperation between stakeholders, sharing and provision of intelligence, crime scene management and data base records including DNA sampling.
- The allocation and coordination of donor funding to an identified need with full financial accountability and audit protocol.
- Effective communications and media liaison.
- To become proactive in our actions rather than only reactive.
Needs Analysis: -Anti Poaching Unit (APU) Training It has been recognised that a much higher standard of trained APU staff is required to combat the current poaching incursions by armed individuals. This applies to existing staff as well as new and additional security personnel being deployed.
- APU training courses are provided by specialist service providers covering the full syllabus of skills needed including weapons training. These courses are very comprehensive and are run over a 6 week period at a cost of R26 000 per candidate inclusive of ammunition and VAT. There is a critical need for this training and courses will be run on funding availability.
Budget allocation for the training of 100 APU members:
R2 600 000.00
- Training for security managers with specific emphasis on personnel deployment, bush operations, informant networks, emergency reaction, basic crime scene management amongst others. Course period is 14 days at an inclusive cost of R17 700.00 per candidate.
Budget allocation for the training of 40 Security ManagersR708 000.00
Total Training:
R3 308 000.00
-Basic and Specialist Equipment The identified needs vary from basic APU kit to specialised electronic equipment such as cameras, GPS units, metal detectors, microchip scanners, ground to air radios and forensic equipment.
Funding Needs
The provision of APU kit for 100 training candidates at a cost of R7 400.00per individual
R740 000.00
Budget availability to purchase specialised electronic equipment as described above
R260 000.00
Total Equipment:
R1 000 000.00
-Investigations, Intel gathering and rewards By the magnitude of the poaching problem, the number of case dockets and the under- resourced specialist investigators, there is a critical need to work on areas of investigation as identified by the Hawks. This includes the collection of information and financial reward/informant fees to individuals who assisted in these investigations.
Funding Needs
Retainer fee to private investigators, vehicle hire, S&T, informer fees including rewards, cell phones, air time and misc. expenditure (12 month budget period)
R1 200 000.00
-Security Nodes Based on rhino demographics of population densities, poaching incidents and risk analysis, a number of security sectors have been established and more are to be created. Within a typical node of max 100 km in diameter a combination of Provincial and or National and Private reserves cooperate on both proactive and reactive security actions. Included would be joint operations with the SAPS, plus shared resources be it K9 or air support.
Funding Needs
Road block 'Stop and Search' signs, day glow vests, vehicle APU decals, printing of leaflets to local communities. Fuel and food costs for call out volunteers i.e. Pilots, K9 units and miscellaneous expenses including communication and coordination costs.
R150 000.00
-Special Projects A number of special needs have been identified some of which develop as an emergency need or an on-going program which has funding shortfall requirements. The projects include emergency veterinary costs, helicopter hire, injured rhino relocation costs, rhino orphanage, DNA processing costs, the expansion of the existing K9 project.
Funding Needs
Budget provision for the above
R600 000.00
Total Budget Needs
R6 256 800.00
APU Training for 100 candidates | R2 600 000.00 |
Management Training for 40 candidates | R 706 800.00 |
Basic kit for 100 APU training candidates | R 740 000.00 |
Specialised Kit | R 260 000.00 |
Investigations and intelligence gathering | R1 200 000.00 |
Security nodes | R 150 000.00 |
Special Projects | R 600 000.00 |
| R6 256 800.00 |
Please note: In selected reserves additional sponsorship opportunities exist for high value items. These include vehicles for APU's, aircraft, high-tech equipment such as thermal vision equipment etc.
If you wish to receive funding from RAGE please
click here to download the latest needs analysis and funding allocation.